Leadership in Action
Teamwork, loyalty, respect, and leadership are lifelong values that your daughter has the opportunity to practice each time she puts on her team uniform.
At Merion Mercy Academy, she will receive a holistic education that includes a commitment to physical, personal, and emotional health, to best equip her for her future. Our sports programs are designed to nurture the mind, body and spirit, with participation teaching time management, responsibility, perseverance, and hard work. And of course, good sportsmanship!
Research has reported on the many benefits of sports for young women. Learn more in this blog post written for National Girls and Women in Sports Day.
A Competitive Edge
Our athletic program provides sports for all three school seasons. Most teams offer both varsity and junior varsity levels so everyone has an opportunity to participate. At Merion Mercy, 65% of students play at least one sport and 50% play two or more.
We’re proud to play in the Athletic Association of Catholic Academies (AACA), the only all-girls school league in Southeastern Pennsylvania, and we belong to the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA) so our teams can go on to district and state competitions.
Team Spirit
Come to a game, a meet or even a practice, and you’ll hear them: Merion Mercy athletes and fans, shouting support for their classmates. School spirit is strong, with our focus on teamwork on and off the field on display.
Athletics Calendar
Villa Joseph Marie High School
York YMCA - Graham Aquatic Center
York YMCA - Graham Aquatic Center
Playing Fields - Lacrosse Field