Merion Mercy’s Theology Department aims to provide a program rich in the Catholic Christian tradition, attentive to the diverse cultural identities of students, and imbued with the Mercy charism of Catherine McAuley. The four-year program focuses on faith development; knowledge of Scripture and Catholic Church teaching and practice; ethical reasoning and moral development in the Catholic Social Tradition; and integrating faith in the real world through a living spirituality. Women exercising leadership in the Church is stressed throughout, and the importance of service, social responsibility, community and prayer are woven into each course.
Department Goals
An understanding of and the appreciation for the beliefs, teachings, rites, and history of the Catholic Church. A grasp of the meaning of salvation history and students’ place in it.
An understanding of the Mercy charism, the life and work of Catherine McAuley, and the history, current works, and Critical Concerns of the Sisters of Mercy (Nonviolence, Women, Earth, Racism, Immigration).
An appreciation for and an experience of diverse forms of personal and communal prayer.
An understanding of the meaning and the power of sacred scripture and the ability to use scripture for prayer and guidance in students’ lives.
A knowledge of and an appreciation for the moral teachings of the Catholic Church.
The ability to use a process in moral decision making grounded in scripture, Church documents, reason, and experience.
A knowledge of the vast wealth of Catholic Social Teaching and lived application to contemporary social realities.
An ability to critically and creatively reflect upon contemporary cultural realities (social, economic, political) in light of Christian faith and reason and develop actionable steps to address such realities.
An appreciation for the life and works of scriptural, historical and contemporary women and men who can support and inspire students’ own living faith.
A knowledge of the married, single, consecrated religious and ordained vocations and discernment of students’ own callings.
A deepening of a living spirituality nurtured by person-to-person connections with teachers, students, and community members in the Greater Philadelphia area.
An understanding and application of the essential concepts of each course as presented in the Course Descriptions.
Course Descriptions
All students are scheduled for Theology each year. This course of study offers a comprehensive background in the basic beliefs and teachings of the Catholic faith.