Throughout the 2020-2021 school year, MMA conducted a process of strategic planning, ultimately leading to the development of the Boundless Mercy, Infinite Possibilities. strategic plan. All levels of the school community were involved in the comprehensive, months-long effort to define the future for MMA. The planning process, as designed, represents the first comprehensive initiative around the development of a school-wide strategic plan and was led by a multi-stakeholder Strategic Planning Steering Committee ((link roster)).
To develop the strategic plan’s five pillars, MMA formed several working groups, called Design Teams, that focused on vision and mission, data and priority setting. ((link roster))
Through this interactive and inclusive process, five clear areas of priority emerged as critical to ensuring MMA’s continued path of excellence, innovation, and continued vitality:
Academic Excellence and Transformative Learning: Build upon Merion Mercy Academy’s strong academic foundation to further expand our leading, innovative, and student-centered academic program.
Principled Leadership: Inspire and empower our students through transformative opportunities in women’s leadership and service in the Mercy tradition.
Dynamic Learning Environments: Enhance our campus facilities to accelerate collaboration, creativity, flexible thinking, and community engagement.
Institutional Resilience and Accessibility: Ensure our sustained vitality by attracting and retaining students, building a strong culture of philanthropy, and promoting Merion Mercy’s unique value.
Faith, Cultural Fluency, and Community: Promote a welcoming, culturally responsive, and spiritually fulfilling community, grounded in the Gospel and Mercy values.