- Student Life
Jennifer McMonagle ‘24 is one example of the exceptional young women cultivated by Merion Mercy Academy. A chronic migraine sufferer who has dealt with numerous side effects throughout her high school years, she recently became her own advocate and advocate for the many others that suffer from this same condition. Jenny partnered with the organization "Miles for Migraines"—a nonprofit dedicated to improving the lives of migraine patients, raising public awareness, and finding a cure for migraine disease. After forming a team of 24, including quite a few Merion Mercy classmates, Jenny participated in the Miles for Migraine run/walk. She named her team HEADing in the Right Direction.
In addition to participating in the walk, Jenny reached her financial goal of raising more than $1,000 for Children's Hospital of Philadelphia for migraine research, an accomplishment her parents attributed to her experience at MMA. They said, “She was only able to do this as a result of all the skills, knowledge, leadership, compassion and community that she has gained at Merion Mercy Academy.”
- Merion Mercy Academy
- migraines