MMA Participates in DEIB Forum

The Power of Belonging
  • Belonging

On January 27, 2023, Rebekah Adens, Merion Mercy's Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging, will speak at a DEIB professional development forum hosted by Carney Sandoe & Associates. During "The Power of Belonging" conference, Ms. Adens will deliver a session on "Resisting Racism: Diversity, Equity, Catholicism and Inclusion."

She explains the rationale for the session: "Diversity, equity, and inclusion engages layers of complexity when striving to build a positive inclusive school culture. Religious communities add an additional consideration in the way school culture is approached. Unique considerations include engaging external entities, like the church, and taking their significant role in the implementation of inclusion and belonging."

With an examination on the differences in practices at two single-sex schools, Adens' session (delivered with Danielle Suber of Malvern Preparatory School) will explore the challenges facing independent Catholic schools and ways in which schools can move DEi work forward as a testament to their mission. 

Joining Ms. Adens as a forum participant is Valerie Prucnal, MMA's Assistant Head of School for Academics. 


  • Catholicism
  • DEI