MMA Earns Gold recognition on the 2023 AP School Honor Roll

Gold badge for AP honor roll
  • Academics

Merion Mercy Academy earned a place on the College Board's AP School Honor Roll.

Merion Mercy Academy has earned a place on the College Board's AP School Honor Roll for the 2022-23 school year. The AP School Honor Roll recognizes schools that “have done outstanding work to welcome more students into AP courses and support them on the path to college success.”

MMA earned a gold rating with nearly 80% of its graduating class taking at least one AP exam. In terms of college credit, Merion Mercy attained a platinum rating with more than 50% of the Class of 2023 scoring 3+ on any AP exam. Ten percent of last year’s graduates took five or more AP exams during their high school career. 

Head of School Marianne Grace said, "We are extremely proud of our graduates and their academic achievements. They consistently strive for excellence and this recognition is well deserved!"


  • College board
  • Merion Mercy Academy