Welcome to the Class of 2028

On Monday, August 26, 2024, Merion Mercy Academy opened its doors to 130 members of the Class of 2028—the largest in recent school history.

Their first day began with a greeting from orientation leaders, an introduction to the Suscipe, a welcome from Head of School Marianne Grace, and a few words on belonging from Director of Student Programs Paul Clementi. What followed was an introduction to MMA’s student leaders, including representatives from the Ministry Core Team, StuCo executive board, the Black Student Union, Merion Mercy Music Theatre and more.

Freshmen bonded and gained a sense of the Merion Mercy community with ice breaker bingo, the school song and “Boogie Down,” a tour, and a student panel discussion. The afternoon closed with a festive balloon drop.

On day two, students joined in community building exercises, met their teachers, and learned about co-curricular opportunities.


Where the Class of 2028 comes from


The Class of 2028 has already demonstrated their leadership skills. Sixteen served as student council presidents; 46 were student council officers or representatives, and 46 captained a sports team.



Top sports played, by 100 athletes, were:


Class of 2028 athletes



This class is also active in the arts:

Class of 2028 arts


Class of 2028 legacies


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