Sofia Fisher ‘24 Recognized with Good Citizenship Award

Junior Sofia Fisher—captain of the Merion Mercy Academy varsity soccer team—was nominated by the Eastern PA Youth Soccer Association to receive a 2023 Union League Good Citizenship Award. The nomination was based on her EPYSA award application and essay, in which she wrote about the challenges of playing soccer in the inner city and her dreams of giving back to other young girls in Philadelphia who want to play the sport. 

In addition to a minimum $5,000 college scholarship, Sofia will attend the Union League’s Good Citizen Day on March 29, during which she will have a chance to meet and connect with other students from the Greater Philadelphia region, discuss and debate important citizenship topics, and be recognized for being a leader in her community. 

The Union League presents its Good Citizenship Award to as many as 18 Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer boys and girls who demonstrate these exemplary qualities:

  • Cooperative effort

  • Self-control

  • Perseverance

  • Serious scholarship

  • Good sportsmanship

In addition to the essay, the award application required a letter of recommendation and the applicant’s resume detailing her academic record, activities, and community service. 


  • award
  • citizenship
  • soccer

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