MMA Celebrates Spanish Week as Part of Hispanic Heritage Month

For the first week of October—and during the final weeks of Hispanic Heritage Month—Merion Mercy Academy celebrated the Spanish language and associated cultures and communities of the Spanish-speaking world. In collaboration with the Spanish club and student leaders, a variety of events were planned and made available to all students.

Throughout the week, prayers were said in both Spanish and English and Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month presentations were made by Hispanic and Latinx Affinity Group members during Good Morning Merion. Spanish music also filled the halls between classes.

Other activities included a school-wide scavenger hunt that tested cultural knowledge of Spanish-speaking countries, a Community Reset prayer service, and time to learn to dance, take part in trivia and games, or create your own flute. Students were also invited to create their own camisetas en español/ t-shirts in Spanish, which were worn on the last day of Spanish week.

One highlight of the week was the traditional dessert contest for juniors and seniors students currently studying the language.

  • Hispanic Heritage Month
  • Merion Mercy Academy
  • Spanish week

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