Dr. M.E. Jones Donates $50,000 to MMA Service-Learning Program

Merion Mercy Academy has received a generous $50,000 donation to establish a service-learning program starting in the 2025-2026 school year. This transformative gift was made by Math teacher M.E. Jones "to support a program enabling young women to expand their experiences of the Merion Mercy mission to 'lead, learn, and serve.'"

Dr. Jones shares, "Although I have been a member of the Merion Mercy Academy community for only a short time, I experience 'mercy in action' every day as I teach my students and interact with my colleagues. I hope this donation will have a lasting impact on our students and inspire them to live mercy and seek justice now and throughout their future endeavors."

In response, Head of School Marianne Grace says, “It is deeply inspiring to see a member of our faculty embody such a profound commitment to our mission. This gift is a powerful reminder of the extraordinary dedication and generosity within our community—faculty and staff alike—who not only teach our values but also actively live them.”

Assistant Head of School for Mission Integration Sister Danielle Gagnon will lead the design and implementation of the new program, which will more effectively weave service learning into the fabric of Merion Mercy’s educational experience. 


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