Diocesan Scholars Program Selects Four Merion Mercy Students

Sponsored by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s Office of Catholic Education, the Diocesan Scholars Program honors high school students who excel academically and who would benefit from beginning college work during their senior year. 

In the spring of junior year, a select number of high-performing students at Merion Mercy Academy are nominated by the school to participate in the program. Each scholar selected is permitted to take, free of charge, two college courses each semester of their senior year on the campus of one of 12 local Catholic colleges or universities. Scholars complete the remainder of their roster with regular courses at MMA. 

For the 2023-24 school year, the following Merion Mercy students were accepted into the program:

Hailey Hendricks, Chestnut Hill College

Molly Romano, Villanova University

Maria Shapson, St. Joseph’s University

Audrey Miraglia, Cabrini University

In sharing the news with Head of School Marianne Grace, Eileen Schweyer, Coordinator of the Central Committee for the Diocesan Scholar Program, wrote, “What an exceptional group of students! They are a credit to their parents, to the Merion Mercy community and to themselves.”


  • Archdiocese of Philadelphia
  • Diocesan Scholars

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