Connelly Grant Supports Professional Learning and Faculty Development

With a generous $37,900 grant from the Connelly Foundation, Merion Mercy Academy is entering a partnership with ISM (Independent School Management) to support professional learning and faculty development. The goal is to build teacher-leader capacity and enhance faculty skills and engagement in implementing extended course periods in future school years. 

Assistant Head of School for Academics Philip Vinogradov explains, “As part of our strategic plan we have developed an academic schedule to allow for deeper learning in extended periods of time, as well as programming dedicated to developing learners’ capacity for executive functioning, self advocacy, collaboration, and leadership.” 

The new schedule will have classes meeting every other day with embedded office hours and co-curriculars. This schedule will allow the school to leverage best practices for active learning (project based learning, socratic seminar, debate, labs, simulations, sustained inquiry, differentiated learning activities). Additionally, the new schedule will unlock time in the school day to allow students to collaborate with faculty and peers for enrichment, academic support, and meaningful and equitable access to service and leadership clubs.

"Merion Mercy’s collaboration with ISM, supported by the Connelly Foundation, represents a significant step forward in aligning our academic practices with our mission of fostering well-rounded, empowered learners," Vinogradov adds. "This partnership ensures that our faculty is equipped with the tools and training necessary to guide our students toward success in an evolving educational landscape."

The Connelly Foundation of West Conshohocken is inspired by its Catholic heritage to improve the quality of life for people in the Philadelphia region by supporting charitable organizations in the areas of education, human services, culture and civics that strengthen resilience and help people to flourish.

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